All Before 8:30am

Why is it that I always have some sense of dread when it comes to exercising initially, and then during or after the actual exercise I am beyond grateful I did it? And not just physical exercise...I put off sitting down to write a post here (as evidenced by my lack of a regular posting schedule), I resist sitting down for meditation (even though I settle right into stillness when I actually sit my ass on my meditation cushion), I resist going to yoga because it's a hassle to drive to midtown, or my favorite teacher has a sub, or I actually put effort into doing my hair and makeup and SOMEBODY HAS TO SEE ME NOT IN YOGA GEAR, DAMNIT.

I've never regretted going to yoga, even when I have a shitty practice. Plenty of times I've regretted staying home to watch mind-numbing television or to over-eat. Plenty of times I've regretted wasting time on the World Wide Web instead of reading a challenging or stimulating book.

But today, I've already made this Thursday more productive than all the free time I've had this week combined.

Killed the 6:45a run with my girlfriend Carolyn (seriously, accountability partners make the biggest difference between snoozing through my fake first alarm and my realistic backup alarm)

Enjoyed a delicious breakfast and coffee on my patio

I even cleaned my kitchen and took out the garbage. Which, if I'm being honest (and where else besides the internet are we actually honest?), taking out the garbage is a greater accomplishment than the morning run.

Waking up early is always hard for me. But once I'm up and moving, I really appreciate the quiet and stillness of starting early and taking my time. I've got a list of responsibilities and errands to get through for the rest of the day, but starting out doing simple, powerful things for myself will hopefully inspire the rest of my day to follow suit.


oh, and I posted this entry...damn, I'm good