Under Pressure
I recently watched the documentaries released by Lady Gaga (on Netflix) and Demi Lovato (on YouTube). It blows my mind the amount of pressure young (and old) performers are under to be perfect. I remember when Miley Cyrus started getting edgy and inappropriate and although I didn't agree with her actions, I knew there was no way I could judge her for it because I had absolutely no idea what it was like to be her.
In a lot of ways, I think that social media has created another level of pressure for non-celebrities as well. Because it feels like the end game is to become a celebrity (to varying degrees) from popularity on Instagram, YouTube, blogging, etc. Those in Demi Lovato's generation grew up with access to social media platforms at an incredibly young and impressionable age. I've often said how thankful I am that all of my teenage thoughts and emotions are tucked safely away in hand-written journals - not all over the internet.
We need to be more real and honest. And we need to spend more time in face-to-face interactions. Yes, I know it's ironic writing that on a blog. But it's not about doing away with Instagram and the Internet. It's about finding balance and self-love in the midst of it. It's about knowing when to get off the apps because you start doubting yourself and your abilities after hours of comparing your self and your lot in life to others'. It's about making eye contact with those around you, especially in conversation. It's about sharing your struggles with those that you trust to reassure each other that we're not alone in our insecurities, painful experiences, and triumphs.
It's about finding more human connection.