Santa Cruz

I spent last weekend in Santa Cruz visiting my cousin. She lives about a block away from the beach, and seeing as how she's lived there for nearly three years now, I can't believe it took me so long to make my way down!

Last week I also got my hair cut and colored (thank you tax return!), and was updating my hairdresser on the current status of my life. We talked about work (or my feelings of a lack there of), photography, and travel. Although I haven't taken many trips lately that require a flight, I've been so fortunate to be able to drive out to San Francisco, Point Reyes, and Santa Cruz for little getaways. 

Tomorrow my mom and I will be traveling to Washington D.C. I'm reminded of how lucky I am in this life. Despite less than optimal circumstances, I get to travel and explore and let go of the little daily stressors for a week while visiting D.C. There's a phrase my mom and I remind each other of (ok, it's her reminding me more often than the other way around...) from The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.

Here and now.
