I've Got Your Back, ft. Jenny Neal

I've known Jenny for years now. We first met through Zuda Yoga, an incredibly important space and community for me. Jenny is the studio manager, as well as just a general kick-ass human being. 

What is a recent book or article that you’ve read that has challenged your thinking, inspired you, or changed you?
There’s a book by Tim Ferris called Tools of Titans, and it’s like the Bible. It’s a bunch of billionaires and successful people talking about their tricks and things they’ve done to succeed in life. I read some of it every single night. I’m learning about routines, commitment, and focus. It’s really teaching me how to succeed and learn through the mistakes the people in Ferris’s book share.

I tend to take on a lot of projects and only complete about twenty percent of them. So this book is helping me focus on what my passion is, what I want to do with my life, and then executing those goals.

Who is an influencer in your life?
Gabriel Bernstein is an influencer in my life. She is somebody who doesn’t give a shit about what other people think of her. She just lives this authentic, real, weird, goddess life. She teaches Kundalini yoga and wrote the book, Miracles Now, and follows in the way of Marianne Williamson.

She lives authentically and makes Kundalini yoga cool. And that’s something that I struggle with because Kundalini is kinda weird and not necessarily something people want to do. So I’m learning from Gabriel Bernstein how to get people interested and make it accessible.  

What does feminism mean to you?
Is it bad that I’ve never really thought about that? I struggle with that word…and I’m not really sure why. I feel like it means being authentic, living in integrity, and doing whatever you want to do without worrying what other people will think of you.

Do you think the struggle comes from the stigma that’s often attached to the word feminism?
I think I get this feeling that identifying as feminist makes you this very specific woman who is anti-men, standing on the corner of a street fighting for something. I don’t feel that my job on this planet is to fight for anything; I am a love warrior and so everything that I do comes from love. So that word just isn’t in my vocabulary. What other word would you use in place of feminism?

For me I think the closest thing would be equality. That’s what I most closely associate it with-equality for everyone. I wonder though, how we can make that shift from fighting for something to being a love warrior…what does that look like to you?
There’s this quote that I live by from Yogi Bhajan and it says, “If you cannot see God in all, you cannot see God at all.” If I look at you, I don’t see a female, I don’t see a male, I just see your spirit. And however you choose to express yourself, as long as you aren’t harming anyone, is right.

How do you then handle situations when someone is harming someone else-politically, environmentally, etc.?
Well let’s look at the Dakota Pipeline scenario. We had a prayer circle and each person within the circle focused on someone specific. I was focusing my prayers on the people who were causing harm. They need love more than anybody else.

I’m not going to alienate someone who is causing harm. I’m going to lead by example and show love to everyone. I’ll ask myself, “Why is this person behaving this way or acting out this way?” And the answer is almost always because they need love and attention. It’s either a cry for love or an act for love, as my teacher Anne Marie says.

Feminism is such a personal word and belief-I mean, that’s why the question is so open ended. “What does feminism mean to you.” Because even if maybe at the root of it it’s the idea of equality of the sexes, I’ve gotten different answers from each woman I’ve interviewed. And each one is different than my own interpretation. So these varied answers are helping me, and hopefully those reading the interviews, grow and expand and update my definition of feminism.
Yeah. So then I would just say it means living true to who you are whether you’re female or male.

Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that you try to live your life by?
There’s another quote from Yogi Bhajan that I would say I love most, and that’s “Recognize that the other person is you.” That’s one that I live by every single day. Everybody walking this earth is a mirror of who we are.

What are you most passionate about?
I’m most passionate about my women’s circles-gathering women in tribe and playing sound bowls, sitting around crystals, burning those things that no longer serve us and setting intentions. It’s this empowering, kind of underground group. It was like birthed through me. I hope to use these circles to give women a voice to share and be vulnerable. And then through it I hope to gain community and connection. I guess there’s my feminism right there!

How are you an agent for community and bringing women together?
I’m planning a retreat right now. It’s just one of those things where you say yes and then figure it out along the way. I don’t want to have an expectation. I want to let it decide where to go along the way.

Finish this sentence: I am _______________.
I am a goddess warrior of love.

Jenny's got your back.