Speak Your Truth
All things considered, I'm still very new to photography. I'm constantly working on building my knowledge and skills, looking at other people's work, watching tutorials and reading articles. As a novice, it can feel intimidating and "pretentious" to call myself a photographer. I doubt my skills; I don't want to include myself in the same arena as those more skilled and experienced as I am; I feel like those who are better will look at me claiming to be a photographer and laugh...
I am a photographer. Whether or not I share my pictures; whether or not I get paid for taking them; whether or not they're "good enough" for others. Artistry doesn't require you to be successful by other's standards, or well-known, or popular. Artistry is about listening to your intuition, finding a way to express yourself, coping with life in celebrating the good and deconstructing/processing the difficult...And I'm choosing to use my beginner status as a positive. It makes me hungry to learn more, to grow, to challenge myself, to put myself out there looking for jobs (paid or not).
About a month ago I created an online portfolio (you can find the link through one of the main tabs on this blog). This week the new Arden Hot Yoga website went live, and the headshots I took are out there for the world to see. I'm proud and excited by it. I've added it to my online portfolio of my work. But more than that I am thankful for this new outlet for my creativity, my emotions, my passions, and my life.