I've Got Your Back
About two years ago I developed an autoimmune skin disorder. It's a rare disease called PLEVA, and has been a huge part of my story these last two years. It first developed in the summer time and I remember going through that summer uncomfortable in so many ways-emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Things had been setting down for the past year and most of my spots were fading. But about two weeks ago I started seeing new spots again. I had been mulling over the idea of taking topless photos as a self-portrait, and taking control over how I see and appreciate my body. This relapse of my skin disorder made me hesitate for a moment-but then it just gave me more conviction to press on.
This ongoing series is called "I've Got Your Back." It's inspired by my own journey with self-acceptance. It's inspired by my feminist beliefs and a desire to build sisterhood and community. It's inspired by the beautiful women in my life. Each woman photographed is an inspiration in her own way. I'll be interviewing and photographing them in all of their bravery, vulnerability, and grace. I want to create a culture of support, that has each others' backs no matter our differences. There was so much passion and excitement around the recent Women's March. Feminism and equality are about more than just one day of coming together. It's about taking that momentum and bringing it into the every day.
If you're interested in being featured in this project, please reach out. I'm so excited to share this part of my heart with the world. And I'd love to hear your story. You can find me on Instagram, or reach out to me through email at kellygboylan@gmail.com