Things I've Learned This Week
1. A couple weeks back, after subbing for several P.E. teachers at middle schools, I wrote that I learned middle school girls' locker rooms smell like at least a dozen different body sprays at any given moment. Well here's an update for you: so do adult women's locker rooms. I've been trying to use The Well, which is the fitness and health facility on campus at Sacramento State, more often and I've learned the same concept applies to grown women...damn you Bath & Bodyworks and Victoria's Secret!
2. You gotta trust yourself, and not let fear of the unknown hold you back. You gotta stand on that ledge, and trust that the universe has you right where you're supposed to be. (I have a feeling this one is something I'll learn over and over and over and over again)
3. This week I've been on "vacation" since it's Thanksgiving Break for the school district I'm subbing for. I put it in quotations because I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it's obviously nice to have some time off. On the other hand, my head is looking forward to the pay period that includes this week off without pay and causes much anxiety(see #2 above...over, and over, and over...). So I'll choose to enjoy the respite right now, and the space it held for me to go on a couple hikes this week.