A Day of (non)Productivity

Yesterday I did absolutely nothing productive (outside of watching a whole television series on Netflix, which takes determination and focus...right?). I didn't shower, didn't exercise, didn't work on my thesis. At some point during the day I literally asked myself, "what am I doing with my life?". I'm freaking out thinking about finding a job, making a living, and reconciling my heartbreak. 

At some point in the evening my grandmother called and asked me how my day was. I told her how I had done nothing, but tried to make up for it with the plans I have for today: working out, reviewing some thesis work, applying for more jobs. My grandmother reminded me that sometimes we need a day off. And at first I thought that was ridiculous and couldn't apply to me because I've been "off" for over a month now without a job. But I haven't really been off. I've been stressed and anxious. I've been job hunting and working the numbers and planning things out. I've been dealing with a lot of emotions and anxiety since leaving the kids...

So yeah, I took the day off yesterday. I was lazy and vegged out on fantasy television. And I'm not going make myself feel bad about it. I'm going to chalk it up to a mental health day, and use the rest of my week wisely to find the balance between hard work and self-care. 
