California's Capital

I'm not sure that I even visited the state capital when I was in elementary school for a field trip...All of my life I've lived here and have never seen the inside of our state capital. I've heard it so many times that you never really explore (at the least the more "touristy" parts) your own city. And it's even funny for me to think that people travel to Sacramento, like I travel to New York or Chicago or Seattle. 

A similar sentiment to what I've been posting lately is that I've got so much free time now to really explore the touristy parts, the up-and-coming parts, and the undiscovered parts (to me at least!) of my city. I only had enough change in my car for about 15 minutes on the street meter, but it's definitely on my list to go back to the capital and check it out more, especially the rose garden (so dreamy). 
