This Hill is Worth Climbing
Because there are glorious treats at the top!! (and in reality my car does all the climbing of that makes it easier too). I spent the first day of fall at Apple Hill yesterday walking through the orchards, eating apple donuts, and smiling at all of the little babies with their parents, being reminded of all of the pure and beautiful memories of going to Apple Hill as a family growing up.
For the past several months I've gone back and forth with worry and excitement at being unemployed. My head is telling me I need to get a job, one that fulfills me and challenges me (and pays me). But my heart and intuition are reminding me to take things slowly, and that I need to savor this wide open space of unknown, because these seasons in life are rare. I'm reminded of one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, Oh the Places You'll Go. I love this book. I would read it on the regular to the chickens I nannied. But every time we got to the two pages about "the waiting place" I skipped over it.
To me there is a difference between waiting in stagnation, and waiting in anticipation. Our society tells us that the more we work, the harder we work, the better we are-we make more money, we gain more esteem from colleagues and recognition from the community. But from what I've experienced myself, and seen others go through around me, is that all that produces in burnout. You're not even able to enjoy the "spoils" of your work. So I'm working on leaning in the direction of my heart, and reminding myself to slow down. I'll job search and apply to positions for an hour or so each day, but then spend the other 23 hours of the day filling myself up, exploring Sacramento, reading a good book (currently The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt), yoga and exercise, healthy eating (sans Apple Hill donuts because those are always excusable), basically all of the things that I make excuses to not do while I'm working full time.
Take it easy